Azienda Agricola Cascina San Pietro

the Farmhouse

The Cascina San Pietro farmhouse, situated on the road called “Strada delle vigne di Franciacorta”, tills grapes and makes wine since 2001, with the maximum respect of environment and the biological grapes cycle in order to get genuine and unadulterated wine, according with the territorial characteristics.


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the Wines

The very high quality of wines produced by Cascina San Pietro Farmhouse, is assured through the restricted but completed range of labels:


 Curtefranca bianco doc
 Curtefranca rosso doc
 Curtefranca rosso doc cattius
> I Franciacorta DOC
Brut Cuvèe Basic
Satén Brut Cuvèe Excellent
Pas Dosé Cuvèe ‘Terre dei Trici’
Rosé Brut Cuvèe R.R.  Millesimato

the History

PecisThe viticulture, already present during roman ages in our lands, laid, especially in the lower middle-ages (1001 – 1321) , the basis to rich the modern and specialised grapes cultivation now well-known.
PecisThe first documental nods comes from “Giovanni de Lezze”, who, on his land register dated 1698, quoted the “perfettissimi vini di Cazzago” (very perfect Cazzago wines), produced by the smiling hills well displayed to the sun.
The “Cascina San Pietro” farmhouse, is located in “Calino”, hamlet of “Cazzago San Martino”, in the District called “Franciacorta”.
The farmhouse start to makes wine from his own grapes in 2001 after restoration of the old farm rebuilded by the PECIS family and occupied since 1970 by the Trici, a very large family, that tilled as a share-cropper the vineyard of an old noble family owner.
The vineyard stretches for six hectares (14.826 acres) tilled by Giuseppe Pecis with the maximum respect of environment and the grapes biological cycle in order to get genuine and unadulterated wine, according to territorial characteristics.

the Vineyards

The “Cascina San Pietro” farmhouse’s vineyards, are displayed in direction south/east and south/west; the soil composition is mainly thin moraine and, in a small part thin deposit.
The grapes are, in average, 20 years old, and are cultivated like guyot method with 4000/5500 vine stocks per hectare.
The farmhouse vineyards are managed according to the 214 program in order to reduce environmental impact.

the Grape Harvest

In the “Cascina San Pietro” farmhouse, the grape-harvest for the “Franciacorta” wines and the “Curtefranca Bianco”, is usually made during the second half of august; the bunches are harvested by hands into box of 15 kg weight to preserve integrity and carried in the cellar in a few hours.
Then bunches are pressed with the grape-stalks in order to maintain the high quality of the “Franciacorta” wines.
The red grapes are harvested at the end of September; always harvested by hands and soon carried into cellar; processed following the traditional method, pressed with the grape-stalks; the must fermentation is obtained using specials stainless steel tanks with treading e delestage.